
npx nktool add buckets

List of officially supported buckets


You’re likely not going to use this plugin directly, as this is just a connection between other plugins.

This is one of the plugins that allow injection by other plugins, so you can depend on it in your plugin and extend it.

Extend the plugin

Here’s an example from the R2 plugin:

import { access, defaultPluginOptions, type Plugin, type PluginOptions, inject } from '@neokit-dev/core';
import { defaultNamespace as bns, id as bid, BucketsPlugin } from '@neokit-dev/buckets';
import type { R2Bucket } from '@cloudflare/workers-types';

export const id = 'dev.neokit.r2';
export const defaultNamespace = `${bns}-r2`;
export const apiVersion = 3;
export const version = 2;
export const requires = {
	[bid]: [2, 2]

export class R2Plugin extends BucketsPlugin {
	constructor(options: R2PluginOptions) {
      metadataFn: async (path) => {
        const result = await options.bucket.head(path);
        if (result === null) throw new Error(`File not found: ${path}`);
        return result;
      downloadFn: async (path) => {
        const result = await options.bucket.get(path);
        if (result === null) throw new Error(`File not found: ${path}`);
        return await result.arrayBuffer();
      uploadFn: async (path, data) => {
        return await options.bucket.put(path, data);
      removeFn: async (path) => {
        return await options.bucket.delete(path);

export interface R2PluginOptions extends PluginOptions {
	bucket: R2Bucket;
  bucketsNamespace?: string;

export function plugin(options: R2PluginOptions): Plugin {
	const p = {
		plugin: new R2Plugin(options),
    onLoaded: () => inject(bid, options.bucketsNamespace ?? bns, p.plugin),
		...defaultPluginOptions(options, { namespace: defaultNamespace })
  return p;

export function metadata(path: string) {
  return namespace(bns).metadata(path);

export function download(path: string) {
  return namespace(bns).download(path);

export function upload(path: string, data: ArrayBuffer) {
  return namespace(bns).upload(path, data);

export function remove(path: string) {
  return namespace(bns).remove(path);

export function namespace(namespace: string): R2Plugin {
  return access(bid)[namespace].plugin as R2Plugin;



Get the metadata of a file.

Parameters: path: string

Returns: unknown


Download a file.

Parameters: path: string

Returns: ArrayBuffer


Upload a file.

Parameters: path: string, data: ArrayBuffer

Returns: void


Remove a file.

Parameters: path: string

Returns: void